Ubuntu Online Academy


Ubuntu Online Academy is a free learning platform, an initiative by Soccer For Dreamers to equip the youth of Ghana, and eventually Africa for We are confident that together, in our own little way, we can build the continent we want to see.

As the saying goes, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” on this premise we have decided to invest in this learning platform, the Ubuntu Online Academy, one that equips these young leaders of Africa to dream big, and the only cost involved is the investment and commitment of their time. We will equip them with the tools to succeed, we will have courses to set them up for success in the workplace for those that want to go into employment. We will have customer service training, resume writing, interview skills, communication skills, are just some of the examples for those who choose to get into employment.

We will partner with local companies to teach them the kind of skills they require to
succeed in the workplace.

For those who choose entrepreneurship, we will equip with business plans, courses on how to establish and sustain a business, lessons in doing business in Africa by local business mentors. Ubuntu is a southern African saying, which means “l am because we are”! Ubuntu is going to be a learning platform that will equip the African youth to dream big without inhibition.

Partner with us to help bring up the future leadersof our continent.